Monday, July 28, 2008


Well, where do I start? June 9th, I got a new job. I'm working for Management Consulting. They are Gov't contractors. That's great...I like this's not hard, yet it's not easy and it's very stimulating.

I'm not progressing in school. Part of that reason is because I have carpal tunnel. I'm saddened by it. I have $31K debt in student loans, and possibly may not have the job that I need to be able to pay it back. I found out the problem through an urgent care center because I didn't want to claim the problem with my insurance. If I did that, then I wont' be able to get disablilty with it. Not that I'm trying to scam anyone, but honestly, I'm going to purchase disability insurance once I get out of school and then if I have to (if it doesn't get any better) then I'll file a claim and won't have to deal with the "pre-existing condition" BS that I will have to deal with if I filed with my insurance now.

The kids are growing like weeds. Liza will be 10 on Aug 6th and I feel old as dirt. I can't believe that it's been over 10 yrs since I found out that I had conceived her and in just a few weeks, 10 yrs since I gave birth to her. I never really imagined this day...but it's upon me now!!

Kayleigh is still in Alabama with her paternal family. I miss her tons and can't wait until she gets back. I talk to her just about everyday and hope and pray that she misses us as much as we miss her.

Ian is being a butt as usual. Very defiant for a 5 yr old and won't try to break at all. He's just very stubborn and is putting me to the test. And man, I'm failing that test miserably. He gets on my every last nerve. I know that not all kids are the same, but darnit if he was more like the girls, I wouldn't feel like pulling my hair out, like I do, now. Thank goodness he is starting Kindergarten this year, although I fear that he'll spend more time being disciplined than taught. What a feeling, huh?

Ayana is just as mouthy as Ian is...I guess that's where she gets it from. She's still transitioning from the break up, etc. It really hit her harder than I ever imagined that it would.

Ahhh..I'mma close this for now...I feel like shit as my stomach has been hurting since Thursday night and I can't afford to miss work.

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