Monday, March 24, 2008

Bored -- took this survey

Originally posted on 09/06/07 on a former blog of mine:

Life Questions


Take this survey

how old do you feel 50
where were you on september 11th, 2001 i was in bootcamp thinking "what in the hell did i get myself into?"
what do you believe is the meaning of life when i find out, i'll let ya know
why is the sky blue because that's the color that God intended for it to be
what is your favorite thing to cook food :)
you have only a dollar to your name...what do you buy nothing
what would your last meal be baked mac n cheese, greens, black eye peas, pork ribs, corn on the cob, peach cobbler with some pound cake
what is the youngest age you have memories of 2
what is your favorite thing in the world my babies
have you ever punched someone on purpose yes
do you know what color chartreuse is close to green
did you like garbage pail kids at one point in time
why do we have daylight savings time to conserve energy; so that we are more productive during the natural light source of the sun
what living person would you want to meet oprah
what dead person ella fitzgerald
where in the world would you live if you could right here
who is your favorite artist myself -- graphics artist, lol
who has had the most influence on you (good or bad) god and the devil
what is your favorite dessert pound cake with strawberries and whipped cream
do you know your personality type moody? lol
what age is your favorite so far in your life 17 -- i was freed from DCF
can you make cookies from scratch yes -- love 'em that way - esp choco chip
was the chicken first or the egg god was first
hershey or nestle hershey
night out or night in night in=great quality time
single forever with a great family or no family and your soulmate single forever with a great family
what is your favorite scented candle hazelnut
what type of underwear do you prefer none
do you ever wear a wife beater yes -- a lot
if you could live in a store which one would it be walmart
can you eat a dozen donuts in one sitting
what is your favorite curse word ugh..too many to name
your favorite regular word lol <~~ my way overused word. phrase, whatever
have you ever read/tried to read the bible yes -- on the daily
have you ever heard of yahoo serious yes
who do you dislike most in the world the devil
what is your ideal date i'll let ya know when it happens
would you rather marry a deaf or blind person deaf
what is your favorite shape circles
can you eat just one chip nope
where is the farthest you've ever been from home across the world
what is your desktop background the BFG logo that came with the disc to install the vid card
what song do you identify with most all cried out
which movie do you wish was your life the notebook
has someone ever intentionally put food on you yes
what color is your favorite black -- cuz i think that it's a mix of all colors
what color do you feel represents you pink
do you believe in God yes
have you ever broken a bone no
have you ever shut someone's fingers in a door yes, i'm so sorry
would you rather be honest/poor or a liar/rich honest/poor
what is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten and hated ummm...not sure, ate some strange stuff overseas, but couldn't tell ya what it was or if i hated or liked it
what is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten and liked see above answer
what is your ideal ice cream creation neopolitan with praline nuts, chocolate syrup and rediwhip
what character from a movie would you marry any character that Denzel Washington plays
what is your favorite thing to do smile -- i just don't do enough of it
what is your favorite junk food chips n dip
what is the longest you've gone without talking to anyone a few minutes -- i always have to talk to my kids
what is your favorite board game scrabble
your favorite book the bible -- but i'm trying to understand it and it's context
do you know how to change a tire yes
would you consider yourself a geek of particular subjects, yes
what movie could you watch over and over again just about any
have you ever eaten paste i'm not sure -- maybe when i was a kid
have you ever gone to the bathroom in front of someone yes -- my kids never let me use the bathroom alone -- at times it's the only time that i get to myself
what is your ideal halloween costume i don't celebrate halloween
what toy have you always wanted and never gotten hrmm...a kid sister
what item could you not go without during the day computer
do you consider yourself a smart person yes very
have you ever peed in a pool yes
who was your first crush Rohan Joseph -- 3rd grade, Brookview Elementary School -- sigh -- he was my "man"
who was your first love see above answer
do you close your eyes when you listen to music nope -- i sing along
how old were you when life was the hardest 10 -- learning to live without my mom and accepting God's decision that it was her time
do you eat the burnt chips nope
do you still have your baby blanket nope
is there anything you HAVE to do everyday show and tell my children that i love them
do you curse in front of family yes, i'm sorry
what is your favorite tv show ever Beverly Hills 90210 -- only b/c i have great memories of watching it with my mother
if you had to get back with and ex who would it be not any in my adult life
when was the last time you felt truly loved by someone i feel loved by God every second of every day --
what character trait would you change about yourself my self respect -- i need more of it
3 wishes... i wish that i could hear God's answers and voice in response to my questions; I wish that I was a better person to myself; I wish that I'm doing the best that I can to be the best person that I can be to everyone that I come in contact with.
have you ever passed out i'm sure i have
have you ever slapped yourself in the face yes
have you been in a car accident that was your fault nope
favorite line from a song ??? not sure right now
favorite line from a movie see above answer
what do you do when the power goes out light the candles and have to calm the kids down

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