Monday, March 24, 2008

Kids -- don't have 'em

Originally posted 09/04/07 on a former blog of mine:

Now, this is not trying to bash kids, etc. I have 4 of them, and I love them all to pieces -- but I tell ya -- the younger two -- can be something else.This year has been quite a different school year all together. I am not working -- well, working from home and not having to leave the house. That's great -- but I need my outs too. So -- the younger two, Ian (4) and Ayana (23 months) -- seem to think that with Liza (9) and Kayleigh (7) get up to get ready for school -- they need to be up too. What exactly is there to miss out on? Liza and Kayleigh always gave them a hug and kiss -- while they were sleeping -- before they left the house to catch the bus -- last year.But since they are up at the butt crack of dawn -- I feed them early. I'm usually not done with my coffee -- so I'm not fully awake and I surely don't wanna hear their screaming voices and whining -- especially that early in the morning.So with them eating early -- of course, they don't want to go back to sleep. So I let them watch some playhouse Disney and Noggin. That lasts about 10 seconds. Because next thing you know they are fighting, etc. So, not it's not even 8 am -- and I have to separate them. So then comes 8:30 -- and I hear, "Mommie, I'm hungry." Me, being me, said, "Hi Hungry, I'm Mommie." I hear the infamous, "I'm not Hungry, I'm Ian." And I say, "Good." Then I hear, "No, what would be good, is if you feed me."Boy, I swear, if I knew that slapping him, would make him stop his sarcasm, I would have done it. He probably would have just laughed at me. Anyhow, we had some errands to run today. We had to get a new tire, b/c the spare was going flat. Lovely. While I'm at Walmart, I decide, hey, might as well get an oil change, while I'm at it. So that together was $82.11. Then we got to make my car payment -- there's another $500. And then JEA. Damn JEA. The drive-through was tremendously long, and the line inside was in a swirl -- meaning that it wrapped around the building and then some. So Ian and Ayana were fairly good through that 45 minutes of waiting to pay the Electric Bill. And that was another $240. I swear, I think I just bent over today and pulled funds outta my ass -- b/c it's crazy just how much money is paid out versus what is coming in.On another note -- I go back to school today from my summer break. I'm ready. The kids are driving me crazy -- and I'm excited to be a 100 student. What that means is that I can write 100 WPM out of the 225 WPM that you need to be able to graduate. 225 WPM is a lot -- as is 100 WPM -- all machine shorthand.But I'm ready to blast through school and get outta there so that I can have that $75,000 - $100,000 /year income -- maybe I won't bitch as much about how much the bills are -- YEAH RIGHT! I'm just ready to stop living paycheck to paycheck. I hate how I have to jump online to see what my account balance is before I can swipe my card anywhere.Anyhow, this is long enough for today.Rohan, if you're reading this -- please give me a call. I'm missing ya, buddy.Hugz and blessings to everyone.

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