Monday, March 24, 2008

My weekend

Originally Posted on 09/09/07 on a former blog of mine:

Well, let's see..let's start with Friday -- since for me, that's the first day of my weekend -- HA! Being a WAHM -- everyday is the weekend. Anyhow, on Friday things were weird between Levi and I. I told him that I had to take the girls to the library to check out new books and then to drop Liza (eldest DD) off at her Dad's house for the weekend. I get ready to go -- get the girls books together -- get Liza's backpack together -- sign all her sign and returns -- and make sure that she has everything that she needs because her dad is going to take her to school on Monday morning -- a normal occurance. Anyhow, Levi, being as controling as he is said, "Get her ready." Talking about Ayana. I said why, I'm not taking her with me. Heck to the nah, cuz Ayana is already reaching the terrible twos -- and not even two yet -- but she can't keep her blessed mouth shut -- especially in the library -- where she needs to be quiet.
So -- Levi was persistant -- so I get Liza and Kayleigh to switch over the car seats from my car to his car. We all pile in. We go to the library -- library was closed -- we go to Scott's house to drop Liza off -- then I thought that we were going home, but we ended up in Walmart to go grocery shopping. Now, for a little history -- my business is just beginning so there isn't a lot of Net income -- and for the time being, Levi is the primary bread-winner. So I don't think nothing of it. I do get T'd off in the store because when I would try to say something, he would give me the "shut up" look. I mean, yeah, I know that I'm not funding this grocery shopping trip, but normally I do the shopping, and 99.9% of the cooking, therefore I am particular about what I buy; brand-wise, etc. But I didn't say anything -- not trying to cause a scene in the store.
And then we get home -- he cooks dinner. I'm tellin ya, I almost had a heart attack. It was nice because I was able to work on some orders that I had. Anyhow, my boi Ro calls -- normal occurance -- and I go out to the garage to smoke and talk. I like to smoke and talk -- don't ask why -- but I have to do 2 other things while talking on the phone -- 1) smoke and 2) walk around my yard. So, I do that. I'm actually sitting on a stool in the garage while talking to Ro and Levi pops his head out the door saying, "Something smells fishy. There's something fishy going on." Funny thing is; dude has a ton of female friends -- but the second that my boi comes back into my life, going back 20 yrs -- it's a problem. Like we're having infidelities -- which is far from the case.
So I get off the phone and ask him what his problem is. And all he would say is, "I'm doing my own investigation. When I come to a conclusion, I will let you know." and I respond, "Ok, I'm sorry that you feel this way, but I'm open about everything and there isn't anything going on."
Saturday:things are peaceful. I'm up at the crack of dawn, only because I forget to turn the alarm off. So, when I wake up I find $80 next to my alarm clock. No biggie, because I asked for it and I got Kayleigh up -- then Ian and Ayana, fed all of them and Kayleigh and I set off to the bank to deposit all of my cash and to PVB to drop off the cashier's check.
Things are peaceful around the house. He helped me smoke some ribs and chicken -- YUM! I love ribs. I can eat them everyday of the year!
Sunday: Still peaceful around the house. Got 2 more orders today. Ro -- we really needa put a site up -- ASAP. I'm working on funding for it, k? But I need ya expertise.
Anyhow, that's my weekend. Started off rocky and ended on a good note. Ro -- things were peaceful, no conversation about the obvious probs, but no conflict either. So, it was aight. Let me know what ur thinkin, boo.

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