Monday, March 24, 2008

Our Day at the ERs (yes, that's plural!)

Originally Posted on 02/27/08 on a former blog of mine:

Ok, so today has been utterly crazy. We (Ayana & I) were taking a shower this morning, because she didn't want to take her morning nap. So I figured, ok, we'll get in the shower, she'll lay down, then fall asleep, then I can get a tiny bit of sewing done. Yeah right. She turned around to ask me to put soap on her rag, and she slips and falls. On the way down, she hits the track of the sliding glass door. (yes, I hate them, and want them removed!!!!!!!!) So she has this ugly gash on the outside of her lip and abrasions on the inside from where her teeth went into the skin.
I don't freak out -- as you know this is my 4th child, and I know that stuff happens. =) But she isn't even crying. Which kind of shocked me. Instead she's screaming bloody murder, and of course, the vent window in my bathroom is open, so the neighborhood probably thinks that I abuse the hell out of her, LOL...I know they don't =)
So I get dressed, get her dressed, get Ian up from his morning nap, get him dressed, and get everyone in the car with cups, diaper bag, and snacks, in about 6 minutes flat.
1st busted lip

On the way out the driveway, I call our PCP to ask his opinion, he said take her to the affiliated ER -- I get there, they don't want to deal with her, because she's fussing, and they say that she has to have stitches, but because she's fussing, they would need to sedate her and they can't don't feel comfortable doing that (most hospitals around here won't because we have a Children's Hospital). Ok fine. I call Dr Masters again, this time on his personal cell phone. He said to bring her in and he and another Dr will take a look at it and see if PlasticS (plastic surgery department) can do it. PlasticS say that they'll do it. They want to use the glue, etc. I was gun-ho for it...until she freaked out some more, and they didn't know how to deal with it. Mind you, we are seen at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, where 99.9999999999999999999999999% of their patients are senior citizens, because it's mostly a cancer, heart and hospice hospital -- but Levi works there and Chad Masters is one of his good friends, who is our family doctor. Anyhow -- but this time we are refunded $135 already ($125 for ER visit and $10 PCP co-pay) -- I was good cuz I'm going to need it at Wolfson's (the Children's hospital). They refer us to Wolfson's, but this time I'm pissed off because everyone is so freaking scared to make her more upset, I just want the damned thing closed the hell up. We finally make it to Wolfson's @ 4pm, they take us back almost immediately. But we weren't seen until about 6:30, then they make the final decision to stitch her up. I asked about the sedation, they said no, they said that they'd give her a topical anesthetic and then some medicine that will make her loop -- so that she won't remember the traumatic experience. All this time, with the other two places, I'm thinking, well hell, do I really want to do this if she is going to be traumatized by it? She's really freaking out.
They put the topical anesthetic on. Totally doesn't even look like it's on her lip, but it is, because the cut is more on a tiny fraction of her lip and the skin immediately below it.Numbing the boo-boo
They let her play and sit for about 20 minutes, then they strap her into the papoose -- which by the way she loved -- said that she was a mummy! And stitched her all up. She was 'drunk' and wobbly for a long while..even after we got home. Mind you she hasn't eaten all day and neither did I, so on the way home, I stop to get her some fries..and she pukes them up all over the car. I called the hospital to cuss them out for not telling me at all that she can't eat or it'll make her sick.
So here she is laying on my bed intoxicated. Acting a fool, even worse than the normal toddler silliness!
2 stitches! So that's the first episode of stitches in the current history of all 4 kids!!!!
intoxicated baby
I am now off to drink some wine and knock out myself. The house is quiet, all the kids are asleep, Levi is out with his friends, and I should be sewing or bow making, but not tonight. I gave myself the day off =) The ENTIRE day, LOL.

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