Monday, March 24, 2008

Some things are better left unsaid

Originally Posted on 09/07/07 on a former blog of mine:

Have you ever said something or somethings that later thought that maybe you shouldn't have put your thoughts or emotions out on Front Street?
I feel that way right now. I mean, I'm cool with it -- but at the same time -- I'm not.
I've got issues to work on -- n until I'm successful at marking things off of my check off list -- I'mma chill.
Maybe I'm just the type of female that creates her own drama. I don't wanna be that anymore.
I'm tired of opening my mouth and inserting my foot.
Ro, I'm sorry. I, too, was being honest. It's all good, though, ya still my dawg.Luvz ya!

1 comment:

Ritz said...

from previous blog:

The Price Family!!! said...
Hi Ritz! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! It was so fun reading something from you! I am famous for saying something and regretting it later! I too need to work on that!
((from TOTT))

September 8, 2007 1:14 PM