Monday, March 24, 2008

Update -- Kinda long

Originally Posted: 09/02/07 on a former blog of mine:

So -- when I get back to school from Summer break -- I'll be a 100 Student! It's about dang time! I was struggling for awhile -- especially since my machine was stolen in May. That right there, my friends was heartbreaking. But I'm a survivor -- and still pushing it -- I will have my homework done by the time break is over -- so I won't have anything holding me back -- other than those 3 tests -- yanno the ones...JC, QA and LIT -- and let me tell you, Lit kicks my butt -- no phrasing, etc. UGH! I hate it.
Ok -- friend wise -- I have many friends -- many of you I've known since high school -- many recent -- and many just over the years -- Navy -- blah blah blah -- you know when you came into my life.
But, the ultimate blessing has come. (Aug 10th) I was eating chinese one day -- and of course -- came to the part where I break open my fortune cookie and read the fortune. Well, my fortune read, "A fond memory will soon lead to a renewed friendship." I pondered on that a bit -- the day being Aug 10th -- the 17th anniversary of my mother's murder -- not really being a great day -- but I was trying to not think about it -- tried to shift my brain to other things. I was thinking -- yeah, God allowed my eldest daughter to be born on Aug 6, so that I would have a happy memory this time of the year. Then I got to drifting to my life before my mom was I didn't have to stress about things..about how my boy, Rohan and I used to ride our bikes up and down Crookview, until the sun went down. How nice it was then. Thinking about how we were able to play outside without the fear of being kidnapped [we do live in Florida yanno?] --
Well, come Aug 12. I was doing some volunteering and this dude was there. I'm talking shit hot. Not just in the literal way -- cuz yes, it was hot as hades out there. But he was mowing the grass -- or better yet -- trying to. But had some issues with the mower -- but this Nig had his shirt off, all glowing with sweat, etc. Well, I come out of the building that I was painting -- and he was coming up inbetween the two buildings -- and I asked him "So, ya got the mower to work?" He said "Yeah." Then we got to saying something else. Then he asked me my name. I told him. Then he said something along the lines of we went to elementary school together. He said his name.."Rohan." I tell ya, if I could have shit on myself and not be embarrassed -- I probably would have. I was in shock, awe, etc. He was a great friend. And so, we have opened up the lines of communications -- and we talk on the daily. The word I used up there "was" has now shifted to "is." It doesn't seem like 17 yrs has gone by. That's how long it's been since we've kicked it. It's amazing how things come into play in your life.
So, God has yet, again, blessed me with another great friend. I can count my blessings and know that even though I'm not working, and have no chedda...I have friends; family; and my babies. People, don't you realize that God works in mysterious ways?
On another note: My brother Jeremy: second on my friends list; is deploying to Iraq in less than 48 hours. He and Sam; along with Levi, the kids and Rohan are my life. If you believe in prayer, please take the time to say a prayer for one of my baby brothers. Please pray that God keeps him out of harms way and that he returns to his family safely. I am proud of you, Jeremy! We aren't as close as maybe we should be, but in due time, bro. I can't wait until you get back. So you can see your nieces and nephew and me, of course, and we can party until the sun comes up. You're of my heros. Continue to do good things with your life. Just know that this is God's will, for you to go out there, and you will be returning to us. We (the kids and I) are your biggest fans. I hope to make it out to the base to welcome you home, lil bro. I love you with all of my heart.
I have also decided to start my own business -- and am working 48/7 to get that up and running. So if I seem distant -- it's because I'm working -- it will all be great in due time. All in due time.
Oh yeah, I forgot to post the girls' photo of their first day of school.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Thanks for all of the support. I love you, all.

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